Entering the 13th Week

Our 13th week of pregnancy was definitely one to remember. Not only am I past the “if you must have a discussion with me, pls don’t make it any longer then 5 words b/c I simply can not keep my eyes open” but we also got these momentos:

Go figure, we have a chance to peek and the child wants to entangle themselves in the cord. Just like their mama and daddy, STUBBORN!

Our gorgeous little Bean in all it’s photogenic glory 🙂

The tech wouldn’t commit to any gender b/c there were various shots that made it one or the other. There is definitely only one in there and I’m not going to lie, I’m slightly sad b/c E and I were kind of hoping for twins. They run in my family and are in my generation but so far none of the cousins have hit that jackpot.

We’ve been asked about names and the gender and whether we are sharing that info. Yes, we will be sharing the gender. If you know me, you know I loathe green and yellow baby showers. I want to know “PINK” or “BLUE”. As far as names, no, we won’t be sharing that info until after the baby is born. Not that we don’t want to share in our good news, but a) we simply can NOT settle on a name that we both absolutely love, b) we would rather forgo the input from others (i.e. complaining, anger, upset, etc. that we chose one name instead of another) and c) most importantly, E only has two jobs in this entire process. Knock me up and hold my hand during labor.

I have to deal with get to enjoy the rest of the process such as watch my pants get too tight, make sure my hair is out of the way when a particular coworker’s cologne makes me throw up, deal with the pain on my joints, wake up at 3am so hungry that I’m ready to roast and eat E, and most notably, squeeze this St. Bernard through the doggy door. I think E should be the one to announce his son/daughter to the world.

But I can reassure you over and over, we are NOT serious when we say we are naming our child Sigfried or Ethel. No offense to those that adore those names, I’m just not one to want to give birth to a 97yr old VFW Mbr.

Jumping into the Swing of Things

**So you may be finding this blog from me telling you or my other one, which I’m trying to get away from, due to it’s association with alot of negativity.**

Either way — WELCOME!

As you can see, I started this blog back when E and I moved in together. It’s been a crazy year but I wouldn’t trade it for the world! We moved from our respective parents to an apartment and so far thats… well, the apartment is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I didn’t realize I had so much stuff until E was lost under boxes.

We just celebrated our Year Anniversary on 2.23.11 with going to Morton’s Steakhouse in Baltimore. They roll out a tray of raw meat with cuts that are the size of your head. If you are in the mood (and have a couple hundred to spend, as it is NOT cheap), I highly recommend it.

Between work, moving, more work, and just life in general, things are going great for us. We’re constantly busy and we’re loving our life together!

We’re loving it so much that E proposed!!

That’s right, we’re getting married!
He did very well with picking out this beauty!
(Ascher diamond with 2 baguettes on each side)
E decided on a white gold band with channel set diamonds
for his “fancy” band


Wedding is set for March 25, 2011. We realize it’s uber soon however, we didn’t want anything big and we just want to be married. Family is invited to the church, we’ll let everyone know the details. The reception will be held for family and friends on Saturday, June 4th, 2011.
That’s not the only news we have.


We’re also expecting Baby Cooper, or “EMC2” as we call them, on 9.22.11!! We’re over the moon with excitement and can’t wait to meet this baby!
(For the record: we are NOT getting married b/c of the baby. We decided on Jan 17 (monday) that we wanted to go to the courthouse. Neither of us wanted a big wedding. Wednesday, I wake up and find these results. Friday, it was confirmed by my PCP that we are, in fact, expecting.)
Needless to say, it’s been a whirlwind of excitement and it continues to grow 🙂

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