June in Review

We made it! We are moved and settled in (just in time to potentially move again in Sept, but this time to a place closer to our work places. We’re done moving from state to state).

14 Hours, 8 States, 8 Potty Breaks (ZERO Accidents from the Small Human!) and we’re finally moved back to MD.

I had signed up for the Baltimore Women’s Classic which was June 22. I hadn’t really trained for it but I was hoping for the best since it was *only* a 5K. Word of advice: Don’t ever say *only* a anything. A race is a race is a race and should be respected as one.

4,000 women running through the streets of Baltimore. I’m sure it was a sight to behold.

Nailed It!

Nailed It!

There was a difference in the official time clock and my Nike +, probably because my GPS wasn’t digging the scenery but overall, I still PR’ed. Official time was 32:51:10 with a chip time of 10:36/per mile. This was my fastest 5K ever

BWC 5K_3.jpg

The course was absolutely gorgeous, which surprised me. Of course it had a damn U-Turn in it. All of the streets in Baltimore and you have to put a U-Turn into every single race?! Try again. But Charm City Run headed this race up and I have to say, they did a great job. The atomsphere was fantastic.

Race Completed

Race Completed

E’s bithday just passed and that gave us some time off (we’ve both been incredibly busy with work and school (me), and the Small Human). I think I blocked out forgotten how Mayland really was. The traffic, the people, the over-crowdedness of it all — but I definitely forgot the scenery after a horrendous downpour until MIL and I walked out of the craft store and saw this:


And of course, the 4th of July:



The Parade (she was happier than she looks)

The Parade (she was happier than she looks)

@ the Fireworks

@ the Fireworks

When I was leaving Maine, a friend of mine told me about these things called “Virtual Runs”. I had zero idea what they were so I looked them up. I found out, you get medals for doing these, plus the money goes to charity. DOUBLE BONUS! I found one that has a medal that is so dang cute, I had to sign up.

Who wouldn't want this?!

Who wouldn’t want this?!

The proceeds go to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association. A lot of folks (those runners who would rather use their mortgage payment to pay a race entry fee rather than their mortage BAER) don’t see these as “real races” because they aren’t sanctioned, you don’t run for time, etc. Well poop on them. I don’t mind it and I find that I push myself to better my time. I signed up for the 10K (which, really, the only difference is my bib says 10K on it, whereas others says 5K or Half Marathon) and I ran it this past Saturday AM.

Peace and Love 10K

Peace and Love 10K

Let me tell you about running MD for a minute. If the cars don’t kill you during the run, the humidity will continue to try. It was ridiculously hot and sweaty but I bested my previous 10K time by almost 5 mins. (Previous time 1:19:22) (NOTE: the HRM time was after a cool down, the actual time is what Nike is statin in the upper left hand block)

Next up – The Charles St 12 Miler which, you guessed it, we run 12 miles down Charles St. This should make the patrons of Baltimore City non too happy. (What else is news).

And another new revelation:

This is happening...

This is happening…

Not only am I really hoping I don’t die but I’m really REALLY hoping I don’t die in front of a bunch of Marines. Now I need to find an extremely obnoxious CG shirt to wear for this race 😛

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